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Networking with a business card

The old saying goes that you make your best friends in poverty. But what if we are doing quite, quite, or even well? Then we can meet interesting and useful friends at increasingly popular networking meetings. To find friends there for years to come, it is worth approaching this way of making friends with an open mind and preparing appropriately.

Crooked contact mirror

Why should interactions at networking meetings be more difficult than those we have every day? This may be due to their upside-down approach to traditional social contacts. What does it mean? Usually, we first meet other people in specific places, get to know them and establish bonds, and finally they end up on our list of friends on various social networking sites. The idea of networking is the opposite. The acquaintance usually begins somewhere in the nooks and crannies of the Internet, and eventually leads to a live meeting. This is why there may be difficulties with the first rallies of this kind.

We can easily overcome them, just stick to a few simple rules set by networking experts who like to share their knowledge in specialized literature. They emphasize that our own attitude plays a key role in meetings. Before the meeting, it is best to be ready for adventure and feel excited about meeting new, interesting people who also share some common interests with us. Doesn’t that sound better than the thought of having to reluctantly spend time with a bunch of strangers?

Ice breaker

This approach allows us to overcome the fear of appearing in a room full of unknown people. We don’t have to worry, it’s not a theater performance, and when we enter, we won’t attract the attention of everyone gathered in the room. The time for this will come when we start the first talks. The rules here are simple, first we make eye contact, a smile is also useful. Then we approach the „conversational distance”, a distance small enough to be able to establish closer contact, while respecting the personal space of the conversation partner.

Let’s remember that once we start a conversation, we should make an effort to keep it going. It is unacceptable to look from side to side during a conversation; this is usually a signal at the end of a fleeting meeting. In addition to what we say, it is equally important to express interest in what our interlocutor says – nodding and asking questions referring to the content of the statement.

The next step in building your reputation and good image during networking meetings is to properly define yourself, what we do every day and how we earn a living. We should think about catchy words that will help describe our profession in a simple but brilliant way. Something like an advertising slogan for yourself. It certainly increases the likelihood that we will be remembered. In Roman Wendt’s Guide to Effective Networking you will find several such short descriptions. For example, a real estate agent may present himself as helping his clients find the home of their dreams.

To check if our password is suitable, we can test it. Just check whether it leaves a good impression, shows us as people satisfied with our work and encourages us to ask further questions, thus helping to maintain the conversation.

Business cards in showrooms

When the slogan is exceptionally good and concise, we may even be tempted to put it on our business card. We should remember to always have the right amount of them with us. It’s also good to know when to give it, because it is an invitation to further contact. It is best when handing out a business card results from the content of the conversation. We can present a cardboard box when the interlocutor shows interest in the topic of our speech. We then give him the opportunity to contact us again if he wants to know more details. A business card is a good idea when you offer help with a problem mentioned by your conversation partner or when you simply had a nice conversation and want to express your willingness to contact us again.

When it comes to the appearance of a business card at networking meetings, there are several rules. First of all, they should be neat and transparent. Two trends are also visible – the first one is to hand out these boxes en masse at professional meetings, such as fairs or conferences. The consistent graphic identification of the company and the position of the giver are then taken into account. However, during less official gatherings, it is good to have your own, individual business card that will help you stand out from the crowd. Regardless of the type of business card, it is worth purchasing it from professionals who will help you both design and print it in high quality. Our online service Wizytówki4you has such an offer. I encourage you.

I’m handing out business cards. What’s next?

If you are still wondering how to properly present yourself at networking meetings, I suggest you reach out to professional literature. More and more books appear on the Polish publishing market that introduce readers to this still somewhat exotic custom. It is worth reaching for them and going to such a meeting. Who knows, maybe we will find future friends there who will not only help in poverty, but also contribute to multiplying our wealth?

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