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Focus on the customer

For every company, the greatest success, and at the same time the element that ensures its raison d’être, is having a large group of customers. As a service provider, it is our responsibility to ensure both the acquisition of new customers and the satisfaction of those who already use our services. Therefore, we must try to ensure that as many people as possible come back to us and remember that the services we offer are of a high standard.

Keep the customer coming back

It turns out that small things, even details, are important to the customer and give him the feeling that the company not only wants profit, but also his satisfaction. Especially in the case of online stores, it may be useful to personalize the website – tailoring promotions to the person or even birthday wishes. In the case of customer promotions, discount codes have recently become popular – let’s try to tailor them to the needs of the person who uses our services. Template coupons sent to everyone will prevent the customer from feeling the interest and care they would receive with a discount tailored to their needs. Of course, we should also remember about matters such as taking care of our website – also on social media. This is where all the questions that potential customers have for us are most often asked, so let’s take care of proper communication.

Interest is key

If we want to be successful, we cannot forget about our client immediately after concluding or completing the transaction. It may always turn out that the customer is dissatisfied and returns the item. We must constantly monitor the process and be sure that the consumer will be satisfied. When selling by mail order, we have to pay attention to many things, and one of them is such a trivial issue as the method of packing the parcel. Let’s put ourselves in the customer’s shoes and think whether a parcel looking like this and its sender would gain our trust. We must pack our product tightly, aesthetically and securely so that it does not get damaged and reaches the buyer intact. A nice touch is adding something to the packages – a little something, a free sample or a coupon, which the customer will definitely like. It’s also a good idea to add a catalog or leaflets to the shipment – getting acquainted with the offer may help us gain further business. And personalizing the package, attaching a letter or a birthday card for the contractor are really nice gestures that will earn us sympathy and trust.

Not everyone is happy

Let’s also keep in mind that not everyone will always be satisfied with our services. Therefore, how we approach unsuccessful transactions is very important. We must try to act in such a way that everyone is satisfied with the result and no one is harmed. Maybe a freebie, free shipping or a discount coupon? Let’s not neglect contact with the customer in such situations, because he will feel that he is being ignored. Let’s remember that a bad opinion can spread very quickly, and we don’t want that, do we?

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